對於許多KL拉曼生來說。四月是個充滿緊張的月份。那是因為學期末考試的原因。大家通常都是努力溫習來準備考試﹐ 希望能至少拿到一個PASS。
那天﹐潘小姐原本應該在4點半考完試﹐ 可是因電腦故障的關係﹐使得考試在5點結束。
因為下起了大雨﹐沒帶雨傘的她於是決定用學院後面的門(第三大門﹐KANTIN 1的後面﹐BLOCK K的旁邊)回家。
當時年僅17歲11個月大的嫌犯﹐突然在她背後用石頭連續敲擊她的頭部﹐更利用自己的制服勒緊潘小姐的頸項﹐企圖勒死受害人。受害人一直反抗﹐嫌犯就拖拉受害人一直到BLOCK K旁邊的電房後面﹐把受害人丟靠向斜坡﹐再企圖施暴。
受害人被緊急送往醫院進行治療。 她的頭部被縫7針。身體多處受擦傷和打傷。
這事件引起社會譁然。 更讓學院感到顏面無光的是﹐受害人可能基於學院的政治背景而決定向民政黨而不是馬華﹐拉曼學院的主辦政黨投訴。
另外﹐在民政黨主導的記者會上﹐潘小姐的父母嚴厲譴責學院對其女兒的遭遇不聞不問﹐還不知他們的地址﹐顯得沒誠意。 更揭露涉及的保安公司多次撥電騷擾他們一家﹐企圖私底解決。他們已報警並搬家。
拉曼學院院長﹐YOONG LAI THYE女士澄清﹐學院確實向潘家詢問地址﹐不過並非不知他們的地址﹐而是要確認潘小姐入學時登記的地址是否相同。 她也說﹐學院曾獻議為受害人提供輔導和上門慰問﹐不過卻被潘家以不想被打擾為由一口拒絕﹐校方無奈只有尊重他們的決定。
受害人最後決定停學。 涉及的保安公司被政府調查﹐案件還在審訊當中。。。。。
For most KL Tarcians, April is a month full of stress since it is the end of semester and they have to prepare for the exam and try hard to score at least a pass for their subjects.
But for a girl, the date April 21st 2007 is her most feared day throughout her entire life.
On that day, she has been assaulted and nearly raped and murdered by her campus's security guard.
Ms. Phua, a 19 year old Diploma in Accounting 1st year student at the time of the incident has just taken one of her subjects that evening.
She was supposed to finished her exam by 4.30pm but thanks to a broken computer, the entire examinationed ended at about 5pm.
It was raining at that time, and she didn't have an umbrella, therefore Phua decided to go back via the 3rd gate near the Block K, behind Kantin 1.
This would later proven to be one of her biggest mistakes in life that nearly took her life away.
The school's security guard, who was only 17 years and 11 months old at that time, sneaked up behind her, strangled her with his shirt and hit her head with a rock repeatedly before she can reach the Kantin 1.
He then overpowered her and and dragged her to the rear part of a substation, right against a slope below the Dewan Kuliah next to the Kantin 1, before attempting to rape her and murder her.
He first pinched her nipples, punched her several times causing bruises on her right eye until she passed out and then stripped her panties, which then he inserted his fingers into her vagina repeatedly.
The pain caused her to start yelling with pain and thankfully, her classmate passed by the scene and caught the culprit red-handed.
Lucky strike
He shouted for help and again, very lucky for the victim, another blue-shirt security guard belonged to the campus (The culptrit was under the auxillary security firm used to complement the existing security force of the campus, he is not directly under the campus. Such security guards are clad in brown shirts.) rush to the scene, chased the culprit and nabbed him.
The girl was then rushed to the hospital and received 7 stitches to her head due to the trauma. She suffered various bruises on face, neck, arm, nipples and private parts, as well as minor head concussion.
The aftermath: The blame game
What follows was a barrage of flames and blames from the public towards the campus for apparent failure to beef up the security, even after the rob-cum-murder of another male student in 2006, outside the campus. The core of the problem is, it seems to be inevitable since the murder was taken place outside of the campus, and this time, it's inside, and what's more, it's being commited by a staff.
The girl's parents blamed and condemned the school for being "uncaring" towards the family and claimed that the campus never even bothered to come and pay them a visit, plus they didn't even know where the family's address is.
The campus's principal at that time, Madam Yoong Lai Thye, countered by saying that the school did phoned and asked for their address for mere confirmation because "it was collected when the girl first enrolled in 2006."
She then explained that they did offered the girl for a counselling session but the girl's parents refused on her behalf with the excuse of "wanted space and calmness", which then the campus respected.
Nonetheless, the campus issued an official apology to the victim and the family for the incident, and have terminated the security company's contract right after the exposure of it.
Due to the examination period, some students have not been awared of the matter. However the campus took the initiative and informed the students for 3 days' straight that the actions and steps are being taken to ensure the future safety of the students.
The notice was read aloud by the lecturers right after the examination ended, and stressed that it respects the rights of student to judge and reactions towards the matter.
The culprit was then being charged for aggravated assault, attempted rape and attempted murder of the victim as juvenile court due to his age. The case is actually still under going legal procedure even after one year and the suspect pleading guilty.
Shocked with trauma yet, the parents again claimed that they were being harrased by phone calls from the company for wanting to "settle" the matter outside the court. The family reacted by reporting to the police and shifted their residence.
Ms. Phua decided to withdraw from her course and choose another private college. She was never heard from since.
This case have triggered the public outcry for safety and even bickering among MCA and Gerakan political parties, but KTAR won public relations points actually for themselves due to swift reactions taken by the management.
To date, the campus has appointed yet another security firm's guards (this time clad in white shirt) and no similar case was heard there since.
TARC X FILE wishes the victim, Ms Phua well and safe and hopes that she can really overcome the fear and trauma.
TARC X File bears no ill will towards any party mentioned above in the article. If anyone has proof to correct any part in the above or just give honor criticisms, they can reply in the comments sections right below this blog entry. The article was meant to be a practice of freedom of speech and source of information in summary.
These are the pics. You can see that the sub-station is leaning against the hill. That is the place where the culprit tries to rape the victim.